Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby Alia

I am so blessed to have tons of cousins and to be extremely close to many of them.  When I found out my cousin Audra was pregnant I was SO EXCITED!  Most of my friends have not had kids yet so when there is another mom added to the group I don't feel like such an outsider :) and someone else knows what it is like to be covered in spit up. My cousin Amie had Caleb 8 weeks ago and then we patiently waited for Alia to join the group...

Collin, Ethan, Caleb & Alia (hiding in that cute belly)

My Mom and I hosted a baby shower for Auds at Daily Grill.  Let's just say this baby will never have to wear the same thing twice and she has a bow for every outfit.  Adorable!

Alia's middle name is Lacasse, which is our Grammy's maiden name.  Grammy was so honored she cried!

Karim is already an amazing dad!  He came to load up all the gifts.

Ethan wasn't so sure about all us LOUD ladies!


Alia was born on the 12th weighing 7lbs 2 oz and she is just perfect. Congratulations Audra and Karim. Alia is lucky to have you as her parents. She is beautiful!!!
Worth the wait for sure...

My dad was hoping Alia would make her debut on the 11th which is his birthday but she held out til the 12th.
Love her already!

Happy Family

Don't you want to eat these toes?!?

Dear Cousins,
Please make more babies!

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